Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Overview to Social Perspective/Theory

The basis of my social theory stands on the tenants of equality, collaboration, communication, appreciation, consideration, objectivity, incentive, compromise, and history. If all the tenants of my social perspective are enacted, then inter-personal to cross-cultural relationships will alter for faster, easier communication and a broader, better-rounded standard of living. It is through technology and communication with others, by others, and for others that an equal ground can be achieved for all. In using the tools and knowledge of man-made devices (i.e. technology & science), there will be an improvement of communication, collaboration, and the natural desires of mankind.
                My philosophical tenant is based solely off of the perspective that man’s utmost desire is to know. In acquiring knowledge in some capacity or function, whether it be studying classical texts or just knowing of other individuals i.e. having friends, is the utmost desire of human kind. In order to acquire such knowledge there must be some form of communication with other individuals- these individuals can be alive (i.e. family, friends, political leaders, pop artists, sport stars, etc.) or dead (i.e. past philosophers, poets, critical thinkers, deceased loved ones, etc.) The function and performance of communication depends upon time, space, interpretive community, and language development. The quality of communication can be marked by published documentation (anything published in some capacity, since it than can exist beyond the time and space of the writers’ individual lives) or it can be marked by how it affects the listeners of an individual speaker (the talks between two lovers, the memory of a quote by a deceased loved one, a motivational speaker- i.e. Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, a high school principle, a pop icon.) The effectiveness of communication can be marked by the influence of those reading/listening.
Since man’s utmost desire is to know and be known, it is the desire of each individual to be remembered, thought of, and considered for what they say and do, and to be remembered and accredited for the knowledge they already possess. Everyone enjoys being credited for what they do know, even if they know just one other person. Everyone enjoys being appreciated for what they do know, on a small or large scale. It is the act of verbal and physical appreciation of others that seems too often ignored in today’s society. Affective communication will be marked with some kind of response, whether it be an answer to a question, a change in demeanor and personal outlook, or a change in how individuals communicate inter-personally and cross-culturally.
While today’s society functions off of hierarchical roles, it is actually an illusion of socially constructed roles. These roles are important to enact for the safety and protection of others, but the roles are actually an illusion of power dominance, since our society only functions off of interpersonal relationships well intertwined. It is the interpersonal relationships that enact these roles as socially acceptable. In reality, if people are alive, there is an equality of the value of individual lives that is the true tenant of existence. If people took the perspective to appreciate and respect others solely based off of the value of life, than the illusion of hierarchy could be unveiled as the false societal construction it is.

Future blog posts- this list is a most objective outline of blogs to come- but each other these     categories will be expanded into sub-categories in the future

Cultural Constructions:


  1. For now I'm just going to focus on one part of this... Without clarification of the issues I'm going to raise, I don't think I would be able to explore the other ideas.

    "It is the interpersonal relationships that enact these roles as socially acceptable."

    Is this fully true? It's true that an idea is just an idea (regardless of whether it has any objective basis) until it becomes "truth" through deed. Practice makes it real. But, where do these ideas come from? Why do unequal relationships manifest. Without an explanation of that, it doesn't seem like there is any basis for asserting you have an answer.

    Often these deeds are carried out in the course of interpersonal relationships. But, not all of them. Using war as an example. There are a vast multitude of issues involved in the unequal relationships between military personnel (race, ethnicity, religion, and gender), and our military and other countries. Can you really use interpersonal relationships as an explanation in itself for this? Do the interpersonal relationships between those in Washington explain their lack of hesitation in pushing all the big red buttons?

    Perhaps social relationships is a more accurate term?

    "If people took the perspective."

    How do you envision this occurring? What role does ideology play here?

    "to appreciate and respect others solely based off of the value of life, than the illusion of hierarchy could be unveiled as the false societal construction it is."

    Where do our social roles come from? Why do certain perspectives emerge that are typical for various social groups?

    Hierarchy is material. The ideology behind hierarchy is probably what you mean by illusion?

    Please explain a bit more.

  2. This is some seriously deep stuff that I can't quite digest right now. Why don't you post more?

    I can tell that who is behind this is a smart lady and super sexy as well. I bet you got a bangin' body yo.


whatcha think?