alright ladies, gents, n hermy-can'tbeputinboxes, this is where I think things really comes together- about the human condition and all. gotta back track on an earlier thought for a sec, though.
"Ok, people's utmost desire, because we are a people of community and relationships, is to be engaged and appreciated for our unique perspective within those relationships. Our worst punishment is solitary confinement. We, however, relate to our desire to be with and around other mainly based off emotion, intuition, and human instinct."- Nature of Desire post----
So, it seems that many people assume abnormality must be flawed, but in my reality, that is exactly the point. I'm ok with being known and recognized for my unique and individual perspective. I think most people just want to be known, have someone to know their name, remember their thoughts as uniquely and originally their own. I enjoy conversations with others of similar and alternative perspectives, and being a part of the input for the conversation at hand, I think we all do.
I look people in the eyes because I have nothing to hide, and i'm always honest with them. Eye for an Eye is just Equal for an Equal to me. But then again, I could really use a helping hand up too.....