Monday, July 26, 2010

#1, The Nature of Desire

So, I was thinking that people's utmost motivation for doing and being who and how they are is based off desire.
I was thinking that desire can be both logical and emotional, that desire fluctuates between these two facets of a person. So, i was thinking about what peoples utmost desire is, more than anything else. And while desire is often linked to sex, I'm thinkin there is more to it than just that.

now, even though i will continue to write the rest of my side of perspective as fact, i do not think in such absolutes. I could be wrong, and im willing to talk about it, n change my mind. I'm always open to new ideas and new conversation.

(clears throat, lights cig, makes a vodka highball) Ok, people's utmost desire, because we are a people of community and relationships, is to be engaged and appreciated for our unique perspective within those relationships. Our worst punishment is solitary confinement. We, however, relate to our desire to be with and around other mainly based off emotion, intuition, and human instinct. 

We find commonality with each other based off how we emotionally respond to one another. A lot of that is physical interaction, a smile, a wink, a high five, a scoffing look, a kiss, a look of pain, a look of pleasure, a blank un-engaged look, an attentive look.

 We find commonality with each other based off what each other says as well, what we know about each other. Do we like the same music, sports, political views, food, drinks, books, movies, religion, lack of religion? Within finding out about each other we develop a relationship with whoever we are engaging in conversation with. We satisfy our desire of knowledge, of knowing, of other people's perspective with similar interests. It seems to me, as people continue to think about things like the 'up-coming apocalypse', they also treat their relationships more and more like temporary situations. Even if there is no certainty that an apocalypse will seriously happen, as there is no certainty about what will literally occur in the future.

 There is an assumption that the interpretation of religious texts will lead to certain judgement and doom. However, i read this 'final chapter' of religious books as a warning to people. Since most of my knowledge happens to be correlated to the bible (i was a 'die-hard' christian for 20 years) i will allude to that particular religious text as far as the 'big ending' is concerned. The bible says that in the final days, god will come down to judge us all. The bible also says to not judge others, 'lest you be judged'. 'lest' means 'in fear of'. The bible also says 'fear is of death'. So, in my eyes, I think that to avoid apocalyptic damnation would be to not fear each other, to not judge one another and not say to one another for any certainty  that we are going to heaven or hell. How do we really know that is for certain going to happen? We have no way of really knowing, because it hasn't happened yet. But what we do know is that the religious text of at least christianity says to not judge eachother. It is not for us to do, it's for 'god' to do, all our job is  is to spread the 'good word'. Or just good words. Encourage one another to do good by themselves and by one another, so all this negative thinking, that will eventually rip us all apart, will stop. All the fighting, and wars, and hate will stop. If the bible is indeed the 'living word', than it is still alive to capture where we all are in this crazy world. And if the bible is true, than it would completely sync up to all the other things we know about the world, like science and evolution and sexuality and politics and everything. Now, i have no way of knowing for certain that there is a 'Great i am', but I interpret 'God' as when we all come together to not judge eachother, the Great Great appreciation we could have that we all are alive, right here, right now. at this very second. more to come though, hopefully.

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